Family Tree

Family Tree

Monday, November 9, 2015

Answered Prayers - Peaceful Heart

Indexing: 50 names for the California - San Francisco Flight Manifest for 1947.

Although it's been a few days of great disturbance in the force, I am grateful for my testimony and my faith in the Father in Heaven.  As things seem to worsen around me and around those I love, I prayed fervently and with a full heart to know and understand the reasoning for some decisions that are necessary to be made on behalf of the Church and its people.  I received a quiet and peaceful reassurance to be patient, to stay calm, and to not partake of or get caught up in the whirlwind of "immediate reaction without thinking".  And although much was said over those few days, I didn't react, I didn't become upset and disappointed, and I didn't lose faith.

My husband taught the Gospel Doctrine lesson on Sunday and it was perfect.  Lesson 42 - "Pure Religion".  The highlights of the lesson - James taught: we should endure affliction patiently, we should pray to God in faith, we should control our tongues and "be slow to wrath", and we should be "doers of the word", showing our faith by our works.  The class was quiet and listened intently, and I truly believe that everyone received the same peaceful message that was so much needed.

My daughter's email from the mission field today:  "Don't ever let Satan discourage you.  Shut him up with your Testimony.  Shut him down with your strong faith and desire in doing the Lord's work!"  I love her advice on this matter.

Indexing - sure takes my mind off worrisome matters.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Stop Thinking of Myself!

If I could say I have been feeling discouraged this week, that would probably be an understatement.  I've felt the sting of discouragement hitting me almost every day this week.  Mid-terms were stressful, getting all my assignments in on time was stressful, missing one and seeing a big old "0" come up was stressful, and work was super busy!  As I was sitting here thinking about "why am I putting myself through all of this" tonight, I was suddenly overcome with emotion.  I saw one of my grades go from an "A" to a "B" in an instant because I missed an assignment and my heart sank.  I was basing all of my worth and my effort on seeing that A and was becoming more focused on that than the work.

As I prayed for some peace to comfort me tonight, I was more or less chastised.  And it hit me hard.  The question that came to my mind was, "Who are you doing this for anyway?"  Immediately...without hesitation, I knew I was thinking the wrong things.  I knew I was letting myself become discouraged instead of moving forward and just doing the best I can and giving it my best shot.  Because ultimately, what I am trying to do is to learn how to put all of this work together...not get an "A" so that I can brag about it.  Oh how I have been humbled this evening.

Once I put myself back on the right track, I got back on my computer and back to work, and sailed right on through my assignments.  I know that once I had put my heart back in the right place, and humbly asked for guidance, I was blessed with His loving support.