Family Tree

Family Tree

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The White Ribbon

A few years ago while serving as Young Women President, we did an activity for the girls called the White Ribbon.  Before we left for camp, we had all the Moms of the girls write a letter to their daughters telling them how much they loved and missed them, and how they couldn't wait for them to come home.  These letters were presented to the girls on the last night at camp, along with a simple white ribbon.  Also, we gave each of the Moms a roll of white ribbon to cut up and tie in bows all over their house and their daughter's bedroom - just anywhere.  The lesson taught to the girls was that white represents faith and purity.  Heavenly Father wants each and every one of us to return home to him.  Keeping that white ribbon close to us is a reminder to stay true to our covenants and to obey the commandments so that we are worthy to stand in His presence and "return home" someday.

Today my daughter left for the MTC to begin her mission.  When she was a Young Woman receiving the lesson about the white ribbon, she was only 14 years old.  Those white ribbons have been hanging in her room all this time.  Before we took her suitcases out to the car, I ran into her room and snagged two of the white ribbons and quickly tied them to the handles of each of her suitcases.  She looked at me and smiled, and without saying a word, nodded her head as if to say, "NOW, I'm all packed."

As I was thinking about this today, along with all the work I've been doing for my ancestors, the thought came to me that each one of my ancestors could possibly be holding onto a white ribbon so that they too, can remember the covenants that are needed to return home to Heavenly Father, and for them to continue their journey.  However, I received the strongest impression that unlike my daughter whose connection with the white ribbon was between her and Heavenly Father, my ancestors' connection with the white ribbon is between them and me.  And I promise to make sure all of those white ribbons that I feel surrounding me will be taken care of.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lost in the Library or in the Clouds

I thought that this week's challenges were going to overwhelm me when I looked over my to-do list. Considering the fact that this is Tricia week - and that means "everything Tricia" until we get her delivered to the MTC - I really thought I would lose my mind before I would be able to complete that to-do list.  But two things happened this week that are worth mentioning:

1 - The Library!
The word "library" quickly brings to mind a large room, wall to wall and ceiling to floor books, rows and rows of tables, an overbearing librarian making certain that not a word is spoken, and a place where you can probably hear a pin drop.  But the library I became lost in this week was actually on my computer. And it wasn't just one library - oh no!  It was many, many libraries. 
Learning about the many family history centers, what they offer, and their capabilities was so overwhelming to me that I actually became giddy.  Oh I have visited the physical Family Research Library before, but I had no idea what the virtual libraries were capable of until this lesson.  I actually found a book entitled "The Deveau Family of Nova Scotia" that I could even download and print...and keep for myself!!!  How cool is that?!?  I was so excited!  And even better - this is my Deveau family - MY ANCESTORS.  Right there on that virtual library that I didn't even know about until I took this class and now I have it in my sweet little hands and I can update my family history and I'm so happy that I can't even contain myself, AND I'm going to drive everyone crazy with my happiness!

2 - The Cloud!
The word "cloud" quickly brings to mind "look up and what shape do YOU see?"  That's right - we all played that game.  But today - the cloud simply means the internet.  I have learned so much about the cloud this week that I am completely overwhelmed.  Just as overwhelmed as I was about the "library", but in a different way. It is exciting to think about putting all the information out there so that we can all work together, and gather everything up and piece the puzzle into place, so that all of our ancestors will have their work done for them. We are all striving to be disciples of Christ, and this is a big part of His work.  I know I have so much more to learn about the "cloud" and it may take me a little time to figure it all out, but I can't wait to absorb all of it!

How exciting it is to keep the learning processes open and flowing!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Keeping a Record

An important part of family history work is keeping a record of our personal experiences.  This journal will provide the opportunity to reflect and record any thoughts or experiences gained.  My hope is that this journal will be of value to my children and grandchildren, and so on, to help them catch the Spirit of Elijah and keep our families bound for eternity.

Ponder - from this weeks lesson in family history -

1.  What were my experiences with family history?
I think this week, I've just been so busy with getting Tricia ready to head to the MTC that I've sort of put my genealogy on the back burner.  However, Tricia has been wanting to go to the Temple a few times before she leaves, and this has been valuable to me because it has forced me to gather and prepare some names.  I've been working on my genealogy for quite a few years now, but I am good at "putting it off" when I hit a brick wall.  My goal is to keep in on the "front burner" so to speak and keep it boiling, not giving it time to simmer, so that I can get as much work done as I possibly can.

2.  What did I learn?
As I went through the number of "pink" cards that I have, I realized that many of them are not ready for endowments.  I began to panic as we were getting ready to leave for the temple.  I felt really bad because I wanted to do my own family names, even though I knew I could get other names at the Temple.  I opened my temple bag to double check and make sure that I had everything with me, and there in the bag were two pink cards, needing endowments.  I don't remember putting them there, but they were exactly what I needed to see at that moment, and I know they were exactly what THEY needed me to see.

3.  What obstacles did I have and how did I overcome them?
My obstacles were in not being better prepared this week.  I didn't overcome them by my own means. This was a blessing from the Lord.

4.  What tender mercies or miracles did I witness?
I know how much Tricia wanted to go to the Temple, and the tender mercy received that evening was that she was able, for the first time after receiving her own endowment, to perform an endowment for one of her ancestors before she leaves on her mission.  It was a wonderful evening.

5.  Do I have any helpful tips to share? - Yes!  Be prepared.

6.  What resources were most useful to me?
I guess the resource I used this week was definitely the Spirit.

7.  In what ways did I receive "more than my own strength?"
Being as busy as I am this month, it would appear that this work was done for me.  I am grateful for the small miracles and tender mercies in my life.  I am grateful that Heavenly Father knows my limitations and fills in the gaps for me.  He is always there when I need Him, in every way!